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Boy fishing on the dock

Canoeing & Fishing

Canoe Access Locations

Eaton Preserve

23601 W. 135th St., Plainfield

Electric Park

15200 S. Vista Ln., Plainfield

Rivertowne Parkway

17844 NE Frontage Rd, Plainfield


Dupage River Trail, Plainfield

Fishing Docks

*There is no swimming, boating, ice skating, or ice fishing allowed on Plainfield Park District ponds per Park District ordinance.

Boyscout Park

23729 W. Ottawa St., Plainfield
(Next to the Rec/Admin Center)

Old Renwick Trail

At the intersection of Indian Head Ln
& Olde Renwick Trail, Joliet

Van Horn Woods East

17200 S. Frontage Rd., Plainfield

Be River Responsible Poster - How to be responsible on the river

Safety Guidelines

  1. Wear your life jacket and keep it snug.
  2. Dress in layers and bring some clothes in a waterproof bag.
  3. The river may not be cleared. Watch for and avoid fallen trees or branches reaching into the water. If you capsize near a log, get on top to avoid entrapment by underwater limbs. Walk around any hazard about which you have a doubt. Always portage a dam.
  4. Do not go into faster water unless you are sure you can safely paddle through. Do not paddle in flood waters or after heavy rain.
  5. Carry a map, keep track of your location, bring a cell phone in a waterproof bag, and in case of emergency, call 911 and give the location of the nearest bridge.
  6. Learn to control your boat and paddle with people who know the river. Tell someone your plans and expected return time. Consider taking a paddling clinic or class and/or joining a club.
Plainfield Park District

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