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Paving Projects at PARC/Bott and Four Seasons

Sealcoating and striping is scheduled for the Prairie Activity & Recreation Center and Gregory B. Bott Park July 20-21.

The work will be done in two phases and begins at approximately 7 a.m., July 20.

  1. The larger North lot and main access drive is to be done Thursday
  2. The smaller South lot is to be done Friday.
  3. Maps

In addition, the following park sites also will be sealcoated Thursday-Friday:

  • Eaton Preserve
  • Four Seasons (paths and ballfield quad)
  • Electric Park West
  • Mather Woods trails (not parking lot)
  • Parkview Meadows (south trail behind townhomes)
  • Clearwater Springs (southern portion south of the ponds, not the patching areas)
Plainfield Park District

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